Saturday, 12 February 2011


I told Laurelinde that I wouldn't be starting a personal blog, so I had to start a personal blog, and I told Ralph Pocketwatch that Wordpress >> Blogspot, so I had to start it on Blogspot, otherwise I would be predictable, and that's worse than being the Beatles.

I don't intend to feel guilty about not updating this thing, so please expect one new post every six years, and consider anything over and above that a special bonus just for you.

Yes, this post counts towards that schedule.


  1. OK, no guilt-trips for lack of updates until the 12th of February 2017. Got it.

  2. It'll probably still get more action than that twitter account :D

    I'm not going to sign this from my blogger account. That would be much too simple.

  3. It made me follow twice ¬¬
    I don't really understand why.
